Holy Cross Tabernacle No.274
Holy Cross Tabernacle No.274 was Consecrated in Peacehaven on 19 January 2016 by the Grand High Priest of The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom, known as KTP!
Like Knights Templar, our Order is based upon Christian chivalry and militarism. Its origins pre-date the Union of Craft in 1813, at which time it was worked within a lodge as was Knight Templar.
Membership of both being a prerequisite to join KTP.
There are two separate ceremonies experienced by every member in addition to the unforgettable Grand Point. Grand College has jurisdiction over 31 Appendant Degrees which are conferred upon admission. There are opportunities to work some of them within Sussex.
Knight Priests wear an 8” mitre believed to have been adopted from that worn by Joshua. Once reaching the Chair it becomes a 12” mitre based on the headgear worn by the British military in the 18th Century.
The unit meets on the third Monday in January, April and September. Please contact the Recorder on garry_martin@btinternet.com or 07710 814181 / 01444 250662