Sussex Council No 86

To a freemason with an enquiring mind who is both a Mark Master Mason and a Holy Royal Arch Companion, the Allied Masonic Degrees presents several opportunities to further his Masonic Knowledge. He will be assured of Warm, Humorous and Fraternal Welcome with some old friends and make many new ones.

Allied Masonic Degrees comprises of five diverse interesting ceremonies.

St Lawrence the Martyr Degree introduces the lessons of Fortitude and Humility.

Knights of Constantinople Degree inculcates the useful lessons of humility and universal equality.

Grand Tiler of Solomon Degree warns of the dangers of carelessness and making hasty judgements.

Red Cross of Babylon Degree emphasis the importance of Fidelity, Integrity and Truth.

Grand High Priest is strictly an Order in its own right, which carries a Mason to the highest realms of Masonic thought.

Sussex AMD Council No 86


Consecrated in Brighton on Friday 9th September 1977 by M.W. Bro. Arthur Murphy, Grand Master. The first Master was W. Bro. V.R. Chennell. The first meeting at Uckfield was held on 17th November 1977 the first candidate being Arthur Rich and as joining members Brian Farrow and Gene Earland. In 1981 the Council moved to Freemasons Hall, Lewes where it met until 1993 when it returned to Uckfield.

Meeting Dates

The Council meets on the third Thursday in March, May and November (Installation) the normal start time is 6:00pm

Allied Masonic Degrees, District of Sussex


District Grand Secretary: