William de Warenne Chapter 6139

The Chapter was consecrated on 4th December 1947 by The Very Rev. A.T.A. Naylor, ME Third Grand Principal, and celebrated its 200th meeting on 8th December 2009 with a menu identical to 1947. E Comp Norman Stenning gave a very entertaining talk about some of the past first principals of the Chapter and an honours board was presented (by E Comp Paul Gosling) with all 62 First Principals names on it.

The Founding 1st Principal, George Roberts, was also the founding Master of the William de Warenne Lodge. The other Principals were Arthur Lyne (who was a founding Warden of the lodge) and Horace Inskeep.

The Chapter meets on the 1st Tuesday in March (Installation), and 2nd Tuesday's in October and December.

In England and Wales there is an indissoluble link between Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch, with the Royal Arch being considered the completion of a Freemason’s journey in ‘pure antient masonry’.

The prime qualification for admission into the Royal Arch is to be a Master Mason, of at least four weeks standing, in a Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England, or a Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by it.